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HTML-to-PDF converter

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How to convert an HTML file to PDF online:

  1. To start, enter the URL of the web page or drop your HTML file or upload it from your device or your cloud storage service.
  2. Our tool will automatically start to convert the file to PDF.
  3. Download the PDF file to your computer or save it directly to your cloud storage service.

Did you know?

HTML is as old as the Web
In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web and wrote the first version of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), its publishing language. At that time, the British computer scientist worked at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), the European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Geneva. He then became the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) director, which also developped the SVG , among many other formats.
HTML allows writing content with hypertext, meaning linking other internet resources thanks to hyperlinks (word or image that you can click on , redirecting you to a specific page). Version 4.01 of HTML became a standard in 1999.
As the standard markup language to create web pages, HTML contains the structure of the web pages, such as heading, paragraphs, and links.
Links improve the visibility of websites and help the Web to grow. By adding hyperlinks and connecting pages, you become a World Wide Web contributor.
HTML and PDF have different purposes
One of the primary purposes of the PDF (Portable Document Format) is to act like “electronic paper,” meaning that the document must keep its layout regardless of the device used. In contrast, HTML is the language to build web pages, which adapt to a screen’s size. It’s often complicated to save and print web pages and keep their structure and interactivity. When converting your HTML file to PDF, you can adjust the size of the margins to improve readability or save paper if you wish to print your document.
The PDF Industry is currently working to make PDF responsive and adapt to different screen sizes (and yes, act more like HTML) to improve readability, especially on mobiles.
Since 2014, HTML5 is the latest version of HTML. It allows developers to display more interactive content. Some of the main functionalities of this version are audio, videos, and vectorial images support. HTML5 also includes major improvements in information storage, shape drawing, character encoding, speed, and more. All modern browsers (Firefox, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari, etc.) now support HTML5.
While older versions of HTML can have display issues on smaller devices, HTML5 is mobile-friendly.
Did you know that in 2021, over 90 percent of the global internet population use a mobile device to go online? In many countries, mobiles are the only way to surf the Web.